If you are hoping to learn about business accounting, or just brush up on your current knowledge, you will find that there are plenty of books to help you do this. Many of those who are looking for this type of information will be small business owners looking for a practical introduction to the subject; they will have no problem finding books that provide this. Here is just some of the best business accounting books reviewed.
Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel and Donald E. Kieso (2007)
This is a well written book that will provide a lot of information for those interested in business accounting. This text is often used for business courses, but it is aimed specifically at those people who are going to put the information to practical use. The book is written by a group of leading accountants and the knowledge presented should allow business owners to make good choices in regards to accounting.
Small Business Accounting Simplified (Small Business Made Simple) by Dan Sitarz (2010)
As the title suggests this book is aimed at people who have their own small business and want to find out how to tackle the accounts. Everything in this book is presented in simple terms and the author walks the reader through all the steps of dealing with accounts. This book is packed with practical examples of doing the accounts, and those following the instructions should find that it really is simple to get a handle on this type of work.
Keeping the Books: Basic Recordkeeping and Accounting for the Successful Small Business by Linda Pinson (2007)
This is another text aimed at the small business owners that promises to make accounting simple. The writers do a good job of making the subject approachable for people with no background in accounting or recordkeeping. There are also plenty of forms and worksheets throughout the book that show exactly what needs to be done. This is the type of book that readers will want to return to again and again in order to refresh their memory or delve deeper into the topic. There is probably all the information about accounting for small businesses that you are ever going to need included in this book.
MBA Fundamentals Accounting and Finance (Kaplan MBA Fundamentals) by Michael P. Griffin (2009)
This book is aimed at MBA students but may be of use to anyone interested in business accounting. The great thing about this text is that it focuses on just the important fundamentals and so there is no worry of getting lost in unneeded information. This is not only something that will help you get to grips with business accounting but it will also be a nice book to keep around for reference purposes.
Financial & Managerial Accounting –15th Edition- by Jan Williams, Sue Haka, Mark Bettner and Joseph Carcello (2009)
Those who want to delve deeper into managerial accounting will likely benefit from reading this textbook. This text is mostly intended for students, but the knowledge contained within will benefit anyone interested in the topic. There is also a useful glossary with this book where all the most useful terms are covered. The text also looks at some issues concerning accounting at an international level.