Think business intelligence and what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Let me guess, most probably it would be something along the lines of an undecipherable jumble of numbers, tables and charts that you really have no interest in, right?
That may have been the way business intelligence used to be presented, but these days the concept is quite a different thing to the stereotype that most people imagine. Nowadays, business intelligence isn’t just for analysts and data techies to get their heads around. The growing demand for reliable, interpretable data that can help even the smallest of business owners in their decision making has led to some big changes in the way BI is presented and accessed.
The fact is that more and more business owners are realizing the crucial value of trustworthy data when it comes to marketing their products and services, and this has not gone unnoticed by business intelligence professionals.
The infographic below you’re about to look at (courtesy of DOMO) demonstrates how far it has come.
Created By DomoTechnologies, Inc.
It’s easy to see why the business intelligence community is heading in this direction (if we can call them that?). There’s a thirst for knowledge out there amongst small businesses and entrepreneurs, out of necessity in these economic times. Business intelligence equates to better decision making and bigger successes, so often the driving force for growth, but now especially — one of survival.