If you are interested in what makes entrepreneurs tick or you want to follow in their footsteps there are plenty of good books to help. In the rest of this article we will examine some of the best entrepreneurship books available. This is not going to be an inclusive list, but it does contain the most respected current books on the subject.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (2004)
This book has sold over 10 million copies since it was released. It claims to teach the seven important habits that successful people like entrepreneurs need to develop. The basic assumption of this book is that if people want to be successful entrepreneurs they will first need to change their mental processes. It is an interesting way of looking things and has made Covey a very rich man indeed. The book is written in a very readable style and some people choose to go back to it again and again.
The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T. Barnum (2010)
The author of the articles in this book died over a hundred years ago but he was one of the most celebrated entrepreneurs of all time. Many of the methods he used for success are still viewed as valid today and this explains why this new book has received so much attention. It is likely that most people could learn a lot about entrepreneurship from this master of the art.
Crush It!: Why Now Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuck (2009)
Vaynerchuck was already a successful entrepreneur before writing this book so you know that he can “walk the talk”. In this book he shares some of the secrets for his success and explains how things like social media can be used to help you become a success. This book is a good choice if you want a modern look at how to make it as an entrepreneur. It is quite a readable text and you there is plenty of Vaynerchuck’s personality in the writing.
Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson (2010)
This book aims to blow the old rules of obtaining success out of the water and provide real ways that people can make it as entrepreneurs. This is an entrepreneurial book that has been made specifically for the person living in the modern world. The writers claim that a lot has changed and that we need to change as well if we are going to be a success. The purpose of this book is to change the way people think about success and those who have read it are full of praise.
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen (2002)
Since it was released a few years ago this has been a much praised text for helping people become more effective entrepreneurs. Many of the suggestions seem to be borrowed from Eastern philosophies and those who have tried them claim they really work. If you are serious about getting organised then this book could be exactly what you need.
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen (2001)
This much acclaimed book sets out to show people how positive thinking can help them find success. The articles contained within this book are designed to inspire and change lives. The underlying message in this book is that we are what we think we are. If you want to be a success you better start thinking big. This book is very easy to read and you may want to keep going back to it again and again over the years.