If you are interested in Corporate Finance books you will find a huge selection to satisfy your requirements. These books have been written to suit a variety of people including those who just have a passing interest, those who are involved in the profession, and those who are studying the subject at university. Here are just some of the best corporate finance books that you will currently find available to purchase.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Alternate Value – 8th Edition by Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, and Bradford Jordan (2007)
If you want to understand the fundamental principles of corporate finance then this book should be able to help you achieve your aims. The text approaches the information in a number of ways and this mixed approach should mean that the knowledge is easier to absorb. A lot of the focus is on the US, but an attempt is made to include corporate finance internationally as well. This book would be useful for students are those who want a good understanding of the subject.
Corporate Finance in a Nutshell by Jeffrey J. Haas (2003)
The aim of this book is to provide the basics of corporate finance so that you have a good base of knowledge on the subject. This text does away with all unnecessary information and attempts to explain everything in simple terms. It is particularly useful for those who are revising for exams but it could also be good for people who want an introduction to the subject.
Principles of Corporate Finance by Richard Brealey, Steward Myers, and Franklin Allen — 9th Edition (2007)
The authors of this book have tried to provide something that is fun to read as well as very informative. The information is presented in such a way as to be accessible to people with little or no understanding of the subject; it will also appeal to those who already know a lot. The authors seem to realise that this can be a very confusing subject for some of us mere mortals and they have done their best to make this material easy to absorb.
Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach by Michael C. Ehrhardt and Eugene F. Brigham- 3rd Edition (2008)
This book is ideal for the person actually working in the area of corporate finance or who is studying the subject at undergraduate or postgraduate level. A lot of the knowledge is of practical use and there is a lot of discussion about how things actually work in reality. This book may only have just over 700 pages but it has a lot more information than some of the bigger textbooks.
The Theory of Corporate Finance by Jean Tirole (2005)
This book puts its attention on the theory behind the practice of corporate finance. It is a much respected text because of this and a familiar sight on many MBA courses. If you are interested in taking your knowledge of corporate finance to the next level then this might be a very good text to choose for this. It is probably not a good place for the beginner to start but it will certainly be something that they may want to return to after they understand the basics.
The Wall Street MBA: Your Personal Crash Course in Corporate Finance by Reuben Advani (2006)
All the title does mention MBA this book would actually be good for anyone looking for an introduction to the subject. Everything is explained in a simple manner and most people will come away from the text really feeling that they have a firmer grasp on the subject.