Home Index Finance Basic Financial Concepts Page 2
Loans can be repaid in a number of different ways. The creditor might be expected to pay back the money...
Sometimes we need to get our hands on cash in a hurry. This can not only be important for the...
Sometimes borrowing money can be difficult. Creditors might be afraid to touch us if we have no real credit history....
When it comes to investing money there are a number of possible options. One possibility is a fixed deposit account....
If you follow the newspapers you will probably have heard the term "underwater mortgage". This has nothing to do with...
The simplest way to explain a derivative would be to say that it is a financial agreement between two parties....
A deductible is something that is most associated with insurance policies. It is important for anyone who is choosing many...
The Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) mandates that money needs to be collected from employers and employees and held in...
What is fraud? You might think the answer to this is obvious, but the fact that some people seem to...
Within business the term 'capital expenditure' is often used; you might also see it written as CAPEX, or investment expenditure....
If you want to be sure of an income for the rest of your life then one option is an...
If you are faced with the dilemma of choosing a credit card or debit card there are a few things...
At the moment there seems to be a lot of people struggling with debt. Some people can feel really trapped...
During the last few years you may have heard mention of the Forex scam in the media. Many people have...
Mortgage interest rates change all the time and this can make life difficult for those of us who have to...
Many of us these days are looking for ways to secure our financial future; the recent economic woes around the...
Net revenue is another one of those terms that can confuse people when they first hear about it. It is...
Owning their own home is a goal for many people. This not only means that they will have accommodation that...
These days, with the economy going through a rough patch, you will frequently hear about businesses going bankrupt. The reality...
It is likely that only those who have been living on a desert island who haven't at least heard about...
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